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Do you have any questions or issues? We're here to help!
Feel free to reach out by filling out the form or use one of the methods below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is my payment secure?
All transactions are securely handled by Stripe, a trusted third-party payment processor. For more information, visit
How quickly can I book a spot?
Spots accepting instant reservations can be booked immediately. Non-instant reservation spots require the host to approve your request.
Can I cancel my booking or request?
Renters can cancel at any time. Only cancelations made before the grace-period or booking start time are eligible for any refunds. Hosts can cancel up to 15 minutes before a booking ends. Affected renters will receive a full refund. For more details on refunds and cancelations, check out the Renter and Host refund policies.
How much can I earn in a month?
Earnings vary based on location, availability, rates, and the types of bookings you can accommodate. In Queens, New York, monthly earnings range from $150 to $400. Hosts accommodating hourly or daily bookings typically earn more.
How long does it take to sign up?
Drivers can create an account, add car details, add a payment method, and start reserving parking immediately. Hosts must submit details about their space and verify their identity. The onboarding process is simple and quick. Once approved, owners can begin receiving reservations for their space.
How long does it take for my listing to get approved?
Applying only takes a few minutes, and approval typically takes 1-3 days. Quarter reviews your application details within a few hours. Our payment partner, Stripe, verifies your identity and bank information in as little as a few minutes, but it can take up to 3 days. If your application is denied, you may reapply at any time. If you are already verified by Stripe, you only have to wait a few hours for Quarter to re-review.
How do I delete my account and how is my data handled?
Step 1: Use the contact form below and select "Request Account Deletion" (or email directly).
Step 2: We will confirm within 24 hours or ask for more details to identity your account.
Step 3: Your account and user data will be deleted in 24–48 hours.
All personal information and data you provided will be deleted.
Refer to our Privacy Policy for more details.